what music means to me
I'm applying to colleges right now and this was one of the prompts for my essays! enjoy :) ESSAY PROMPT: How have you been changed by a piece of visual or performing art, a work of literature, or a concept of math or science? (500-750 words) I grew up surrounded by music. In the womb, I expressed my musical tastes very pointedly (I was not a fan of a certain Chopin nocturne my mother played). Rhythms of Prokofiev and soaring melodies of Debussy perfumed the air over my crib, and Puccini and Verdi provided a dramatic soundtrack to the woes of middle school. It was only natural that one night my energetic self made its way over to our Boston upright. When my parents noticed my pathetic attempts to pick out the notes to Bach’s Prelude in G by ear, they sat me down and began to help me understand the world of music. After that, the world swam with melody and harmony. It was as if up till that point the world...