
what music means to me

I'm applying to colleges right now and this was one of the prompts for my essays! enjoy :) ESSAY PROMPT: How have you been changed by a piece of visual or performing art, a work of literature, or a concept of math or science? (500-750 words)             I grew up surrounded by music. In the womb, I expressed my musical tastes very pointedly (I was not a fan of a certain Chopin nocturne my mother played). Rhythms of Prokofiev and soaring melodies of Debussy perfumed the air over my crib, and Puccini and Verdi provided a dramatic soundtrack to the woes of middle school. It was only natural that one night my energetic self made its way over to our Boston upright. When my parents noticed my pathetic attempts to pick out the notes to Bach’s Prelude in G by ear, they sat me down and began to help me understand the world of music. After that, the world swam with melody and harmony. It was as if up till that point the world...

resonate 2019

resonate 2019 was a lot of late nights, long rehearsals, inside jokes, singing Living Hope a thousand times, and so much sweet fellowship with Christ. here's a snapshot of what I learned at camp: night 1: - Heaven is anything but quiet; it involves all the senses as every being there pours out everything they are to offer praise to Yahweh. - the core of worship is understanding God, how right and fitting it is for us to give HIM glory - we worship a lot of things the right way, but it's the wrong god. what's your right worship, wrong god?  this last point became the question that pounded into my soul every moment of the week. morning 2: "Then run, faithful souls, happy and tireless, keep up with your beloved who marches with giant strides from one end of heaven to the other." Jean-Pierre de Caussade - when we are with Jesus and we keep our eyes open, we see glorious things (Mark 9: 1-10) - the call each day is to look at everything through the proper le...

the happiest place on earth isn't disney

The actual happiest place on earth is a little camp in Missouri. I've spent only three weeks of my life there, but I wish I could spend so much longer down there. Oh, I love that place! Camp Barnabas, for those of you who don't know, is a camp for people with special needs, so that they can experience the fun and joy of a normal summer camp, just like other people do every year! It's such a unique ministry that has allowed me to learn so much about disabilities, sacrificial love, and prompt and unswerving obedience. You know, sometimes God calls you to do something and you kind of go, Nah, not my thing. Get someone else to do it. Someone in the Bible actually said that to God, did you know that? And he ended up getting swallowed by a freaking whale. That's not on my bucket list. It's that time of year where every time I have a breather, my mind wanders back to summer, I locate a Barnabas shirt, put it on, and start counting down the days until I can go back....

april 2019: glorify

I unintentionally started giving each month of 2019 a word that summed it up (for those who are interested: january - new; february - bittersweet; march - intensity) so now I'm gonna talk a little about april's word. Glorify. if you look the word up, it literally means  to praise and worship (God). i never pick these words myself, it's just kind of whatever God lays on my heart a lot, and "for some reason" the word that's been scrawled on my wrist and my journal and my heart lately is glorify. I think it's just a reminder that my entire life is supposed to be glorifying God. everything i say or do is for His glory and if it's not honoring to God, then it's worthless. reality check: last month i wasn't doing so hot. Like i said, the word was intensity, and for a reason-- emotions ranging all over the spectrum from absolute joy to crushing despair are intense. It was hard to hold myself together, especially since it was such a crazy mon...

this is my story, this is my song

to anyone reading this that I don't know, hey!!! I'm so glad you found this because now we get to talk about some kinda boring stuff with a really cool ending! So I'm actually a very boring person, which is fine by me because at this point I'm trying to stop caring about me and start caring about Jesus. Testimonies are hard sometimes, but necessary, so here goes! Picture a tiny little girl, sitting in her mom's bed. The sun's shining through the white curtains and they're reading bible stories together. The little girl doesn't really know this yet, but her mama is telling her the gospel, pure and simple. Something about that story touched the girl's heart, because she asked her mama if she could believe too. So they prayed together, and the little girl was saved. That was me. For the longest time, if anyone asked me what my testimony was, I'd just kind of shrug and mutter something along the lines of, well i was raised in a christian home a...

In the Beginning

In the beginning.  Those three words began e v e r y t h i n g.  You. Me. The World. The Universe.  Just that alone makes me want to fall to my knees in awe.  What's absolutely ridiculous, crazy, out of the world to me, is that God made Mount Everest, and he also made the caterpillar. He created stars a thousand times bigger than our sun, and he created the color green. He set planets in motion, and he created silence. We wouldn't have a clue what noise was unless we knew what still and quiet was, and he created all of it. But what blows my mind even more is this: he created me.  But not even that! It gets better! He created me and he calls me beloved (Romans 9:25).  I've created this blog because I have found this passion within me to write and to share the Gospel, and blogging combines both of those mediums. I'm praying that God would use this platform to glorify his name, and that he would speak through me to whoever reads ...