the happiest place on earth isn't disney

The actual happiest place on earth is a little camp in Missouri.

I've spent only three weeks of my life there, but I wish I could spend so much longer down there. Oh, I love that place! Camp Barnabas, for those of you who don't know, is a camp for people with special needs, so that they can experience the fun and joy of a normal summer camp, just like other people do every year! It's such a unique ministry that has allowed me to learn so much about disabilities, sacrificial love, and prompt and unswerving obedience.

You know, sometimes God calls you to do something and you kind of go, Nah, not my thing. Get someone else to do it.

Someone in the Bible actually said that to God, did you know that? And he ended up getting swallowed by a freaking whale. That's not on my bucket list.

It's that time of year where every time I have a breather, my mind wanders back to summer, I locate a Barnabas shirt, put it on, and start counting down the days until I can go back. So, in anticipation of summer, here's a list of some valuable lessons I have learned through serving at camp for the past three years!

1. serve with your whole heart

You guys, I don't know how any of us could look at our lives and truthfully say, "Yes, my favorite thing to do is serving because God called us to serve." I love to serve others, but I constantly have to ask myself, am I serving from the right place? A book I read in an airport terminal last Thanksgiving had a quote that really stuck out to me: "Am I serving so that these people will love me, or am I serving because I love these people?" At Barnabas, it's go go go go, and you're constantly serving others, and yes, it's draining both mentally, spiritually, and physically, but oh my gosh-- it's life changing.

2. you're not enough

I've seen this huge movement where people are saying, "You are enough; I am enough." But at Barnabas, you will quickly realize that there is no way on earth you could ever be enough! It is only through Jesus' grace and strength that I've been able to get through a week of camp, much less the rest of my life.

3. community is the church

Wow, did you know there are other people on the planet besides you?? I know right? Seriously though, the people at Barnabas... they are some of the coolest people I've ever met from all over the place because they were crazy enough to get in the car or on a plane and come to the coolest place ever. And you're all united because you're all part of the giant family of believers and it's so so sweet.

4. life isn't about you

Haha, sorry to break it to you, but like my youth pastor said on Sunday, "You're wicked. Not only are you wicked, you're evil." BUT GUESS WHAT? Jesus is GOOD! So Life isn't about you, because what kind of a world would it be if everything was about someone who was wicked? No, life is all about HIM and glorifying HIM and worshiping HIM. And there's no better way to learn that than to become the body of Christ and serve someone else all week.

5. life is the most fun when you're dehydrated, sleep deprived, and working hard

Enough said.

I am so so so excited to be going back to camp in July! It's always been my dream to just go move down there and live there forever, not gonna lie. Some things you can be praying about:

- safety as we head down to camp
- peace as we are all preparing for being paired with our partners. over three years and i have never seen a camper/missionary pair that was not perfect and God-ordained
- that we would all rely on God's strength and faithfulness, because that's the only thing that will get us through!

See ya soon,

abby gabby


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