In the Beginning

In the beginning. 

Those three words began e v e r y t h i n g. 

You. Me. The World. The Universe. 

Just that alone makes me want to fall to my knees in awe. 

What's absolutely ridiculous, crazy, out of the world to me, is that God made Mount Everest, and he also made the caterpillar. He created stars a thousand times bigger than our sun, and he created the color green. He set planets in motion, and he created silence. We wouldn't have a clue what noise was unless we knew what still and quiet was, and he created all of it.

But what blows my mind even more is this: he created me. 

But not even that! It gets better!

He created me and he calls me beloved (Romans 9:25). 

I've created this blog because I have found this passion within me to write and to share the Gospel, and blogging combines both of those mediums. I'm praying that God would use this platform to glorify his name, and that he would speak through me to whoever reads this, that they would look to him with new eyes and faith. One of my prayers this past year was, "Open my lips, Lord, and my mouth will declare your praise." 

I hope that I declare his praise for the rest of my life. 

Yes and Amen, 



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