april 2019: glorify

I unintentionally started giving each month of 2019 a word that summed it up (for those who are interested: january - new; february - bittersweet; march - intensity) so now I'm gonna talk a little about april's word.


if you look the word up, it literally means  to praise and worship (God).

i never pick these words myself, it's just kind of whatever God lays on my heart a lot, and "for some reason" the word that's been scrawled on my wrist and my journal and my heart lately is glorify.

I think it's just a reminder that my entire life is supposed to be glorifying God. everything i say or do is for His glory and if it's not honoring to God, then it's worthless.

reality check: last month i wasn't doing so hot. Like i said, the word was intensity, and for a reason-- emotions ranging all over the spectrum from absolute joy to crushing despair are intense. It was hard to hold myself together, especially since it was such a crazy month. got my act together a few weeks before the end, but not enough to still be spending time in the word.

Now it's a new month and i'm getting back into my bible. Currently reading 1 Corinthians and doing a study on how God shapes us through his word. Praying in my shower and in my car and in conversation with people. Reaching out to people I love and people I don't know, trying to let others in more into my heart.

To praise and worship God looks like walking in his commands.
It looks like hugging that kid who needs something to cheer them up, and by kid, I mean anyone within a hugging radius of you, even if you're like me and hate hugs with a passion.
It looks like surprising your friends with anything, just letting them know they are loved.
It looks like helping wash the dishes without being asked and not expecting anything in return.
It looks like singing loud and clear, arms over your head as you dance in the kitchen, singing to the one who gives us breath.
It looks like getting down on hands and knees and realizing you're not enough and that you need Jesus.
It looks like living in community that point you to Him.
It looks like living like Him.
It looks like living in Him.

hello, april, be kind to me :)


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