resonate 2019

resonate 2019 was a lot of late nights, long rehearsals, inside jokes, singing Living Hope a thousand times, and so much sweet fellowship with Christ. here's a snapshot of what I learned at camp:

night 1:
- Heaven is anything but quiet; it involves all the senses as every being there pours out everything they are to offer praise to Yahweh.
- the core of worship is understanding God, how right and fitting it is for us to give HIM glory
- we worship a lot of things the right way, but it's the wrong god. what's your right worship, wrong god? 
this last point became the question that pounded into my soul every moment of the week.

morning 2:
"Then run, faithful souls, happy and tireless, keep up with your beloved who marches with giant strides from one end of heaven to the other." Jean-Pierre de Caussade
- when we are with Jesus and we keep our eyes open, we see glorious things (Mark 9: 1-10)
- the call each day is to look at everything through the proper lens for only then will we have the perspective to see thing, people, and events as they truly are. and only then will we be able to defeat the darkness that tries to overwhelm and overcome us and live in the light and love and truth of Christ
- we need God more than we need blood in our veins and oxygen in our lungs
- the result of longing and seeking after God is earnest worship and praise; but right now we're spiritually dehydrated

night 2:
- worship is humble marveling at Christ's overwhelming love in His presence
- genuine worship always involves sacrifice
- the worship style doesn't matter; the fact that you worship matters
---> follow up on that: one of the guys in my small group, Tyler, said this: "True worship sounds like the sound of hallelujahs being raised to praise Jesus."
- another guy in my small group, Heath: "I don't have to try to be perfect because God isn't looking for perfect. He's looking for someone to submit to him and learn his ways."
- another Heath quote (the people in my small group apparently couldn't help themselves from speaking brilliant words of wisdom): "God doesn't want to take our dreams away from us to torture us and laugh at our pain. He wants to grow us and have us give up our own dreams so he can gives us something better than we can ever come up with."

morning 3:
- "Only follow Him and you will find Him everywhere."
- we worship Jesus because of who He is, where He went, and where He goes.
- this day, we went through the crucifixion and the physical consequences of it, and right after that we had lunch, so that was super exciting! My entire small group was like, "um yeah we hated that"
- girl from my small group, Kinley: "Thank you Jesus, for turning my messes into messages."

night 3:
- we don't get the choice to be apathetic; you either love Jesus or you don't
- in the story of Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4, the disciples misunderstood two things: 1) as long as the Master's in the boat, it's not going down 2) Jesus's ability to sleep during the storm doesn't mean he isn't concerned for his disciples
- when the One who made the world speaks to creation, it obeys him immediately. we are his creations. we're not under any different rules.
- another guy from my small group, Corban: "it's always faith, then an action. Faith requires action."
- knowing who Jesus is changes everything

morning 4:
- the driving passion for our lives is from experiences where we meet with God.
- when you have a face to face encounter with God, it will change the way you walk and the way you live your life
- you can't fake a relationship with God; as worship leaders, it is apparent if you have a real relationship with God

night 4:
- i want God to interrupt my life so that all i can do is worship
- when you see God for who he is, you see yourself for who you are
- worship is: you see God and cry out to him about your unworthiness, and He draws near and cleanses you of your sin
- it's not about your abilities; it's about your availability. When you make yourself available to God, he blesses you with his ability
- we are God's chosen instruments in the orchestra of life
- Tyler again: "When God divided man at the Tower of Babel, he left one common language: music. Music is a language that we all share. It is connected to God and it's not just a hobby. It's pure worship."

all in all, an incredible week! made tons of new friends, laughed a lot, and learned millions of new things, as seen above! got slingshotted out of this incredible week into secular california where my faith's definitely been under attack. walking the line between struggling to actively not choose apathy and being all-out on fire for Jesus. i'm so thankful i got this opportunity though to have all these words of wisdom in my back pocket.


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